Biotin or Vitamin B7 is a water-soluble vitamin that's a part of the vitamin B complex a group of key nutrients needed for healthy metabolic, digestive, and cardiovascular functions.
Biotin works as a coenzyme in our body for the metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids, and glucose. It means when we are taking food which are sources of fat, carbohydrate, and protein vitamin B7 must be present to convert them into micronutrients and take out energy.

Biotin plays a vital role in maintaining our personality and keeping us young because it plays a major role in maintaining hair, nails, and skin. (Vitamin H) Biotin is also added to beauty products for hair and skin. It can also be taken from foods like orang meats, eggs, avocado,
cauliflower, fish, mushrooms, and legumes.
Most people get it from eating a healthy diet rich in biotin foods, but there have been many claims that getting more biotin can regulate your blood sugar, promote healthy hair, skin, and nails, and help pregnant moms have healthier babies.
Biotin deficiency is rare but deficiency often shows symptoms:
Dry irritated skin
Brittle hair or hair loss
Muscle pain
Damage of nerve
Mood changes

Biotin Benefits:
Our health may be seen on our faces and skin, but biotin helps transform us into healthy individuals. Biotin is essential to solving our hair and skin-related problems.
Due to its healing and moisturizing properties, it is used in many cosmetic and massage oil, to give you beautiful skin and hair.
You may take it in tablet supplements if you have a deficiency but it depends on your health condition and requirements. For it contact your doctor.
Lower Cholesterol:
(Vitamin H) Biotin has shown its effect on lower cholesterol in animals. Research has also shown that it lowers bad cholesterol(LDL) which when too high, may lead to heart stroke or disease. It has been shown that raw egg whites can inhibit the absorption of biotin, so if you are taking raw egg shakes or eating a raw egg in food, mind it it can reduce the absorption the biotin.
Help Brittle Nails:
Brittle nails are weak and easily cracked and slit, biotin may help brittle nails.
Hair Grow:
(Vitamin H) Biotin is often associated with healthier hair, increased hair, and stronger hair, but there is very little evidence to
support this. But many studies show that taking small high doses of biotin can help treat weak hair and nails.
However, a deficiency of biotin may cause hair loss, which proves vitamin is important for hair. Vitamin B7 biotin is much more effective
when it’s eaten rather than applied topically.
Vitamin B7 can also help with acne, fungal infection, dryness, and cracking.
Healthy pregnancy:
Mild biotin deficiency is often seen during pregnancy and poses a risk of abnormal development of the fetus. Since folic acid supplementation is recommended both before and during pregnancy, it is sensible to obtain a multivitamin with at least 30 micrograms
of biotin per day in addition to folic acid to decrease the risk of deficiency. For it contact your doctor.
Controlled blood sugar levels:
(Vitamin H) Biotin plays an extremely important role in maintaining the blood sugar level in your body. As biotin is closely responsible for the disintegration of carbohydrates in your body, it’s highly accountable for keeping your blood sugar at appropriate levels. If you’re already suffering from diabetes or high blood sugar levels, you may be recommended a healthy biotin supplement to control the blood sugar level of your body. Consult Doctor
(Vitamin H)Biotin Food Sources:
Egg yolk
Organ meats (liver, kidney)
Nuts, like almonds, peanuts, pecans, and walnuts
Nut kinds of butter
Soybeans and other legumes
Whole grains and cereals
(Vitamin H) Biotin during food processing is ineffective like cooking, raw or less-processed versions of these foods contain
more active biotin.
(Vitamin H) Biotin Side Effects:
Many cases show negative effects on the health of some individuals taking excessive amounts of biotin supplements or taking large amounts of biotin. Most people get enough biotin through a normal diet. People shouldn’t need to take extra biotin supplements without Doctor's advice.
May Cause Acne
Biotin increases the production of sebum which collects dirt and converts it into acne.
May Cause Allergic Reactions
Some people may suffer from allergies due to the intake of biotin supplements.
Frequency Of Urination
A higher dosage of biotin can cause an increase in the need to urinate.
May Cause Diarrhea
Taking high amounts of it may cause stomach cramps and diarrhea.
Initially, you may feel mild nausea
May Cause Acute Respiratory Problems
A high amount may cause respiratory problems.
What is the most crucial information regarding biotin (hair, skin, and nails) that I need to know?
If you are allergic to biotin, you should avoid using this product.
Consult with a healthcare provider before using biotin. Your dosage requirements may vary:
if the renal disease is present;
if you've undergone stomach surgery;
if you smoke
If you are expecting or nursing a baby, consult your doctor before using biotin. During pregnancy or while you are nursing, you might require a different dose.
Never give a child any herbal or nutritional supplement without consulting a doctor.